Here we are, finally coming to the end of our quirky exploration of the significance of color. We’ve covered Blue, Red and Pink, Green, Orange (with a resistance to pumpkin spice because when that post was written it was TOO SOON, people. But now that we’re a little further along into fall, I suppose it would be fine for you to indulge in your love of “The Spice”. As if I could have stopped you!), and Yellow. Now we go across the color wheel and land on Violet.
Violet is associated with the material silver, and amethyst stone.
It’s the body part the crown of the head.
It’s symbol is a lotus flower.
It signifies total well-being, and is connected to the universe,
connection and a quick perception of spiritual ideas, the “fine thread of life”. Isn’t that a lovely thought?
Violet is connected with pure knowing, highly developed spirituality, the color of priestess, love and respect for others, inspirational creativity.
It’s the highest frequency in the visible spectrum so people equate it with highest spiritual intuition.
In many traditions violet (or purple) is a regal color reserved for royalty and the gods.
Confucius warned followers the expense of purple dye would cause social disorder! He thought it would be like Black Friday at Best Buy. It is the color of enchantment, which begs for a few more images…
A couple more interesting books I’ve referred to for this series are Painting Path: Embodying Spiritual Discovery through Yoga, Brush and Color by Linda Norvick, Painting from the Source: Awakening the Artist’s Soul in Everyone by Aviva Gold, and Colors for Your Every Mood: Discovering Your True Decorating Colors by Leatrice Eiseman.
As a closing note, I think what this series has illuminated for me is the non-verbal power of color. We don’t always know why we’re drawn to a specific color, or why one mood makes us want to be around a certain color. We don’t think about it too much, in most instances. But there may be more to our color choices than we realize, more meanings, more unspoken significance. I think that’s why art journaling has become such a valuable part of the rhythm of my life. When I can’t find the word, I can find a color. If I haven’t figured something out, I can at least squish a bunch of paint on a page and let that do the figuring for me. If things are complicated and difficult to process, I can allow color to help me hash things out. This really works, and even if I don’t understand why I keep going to that bright green (for example), one more layer into it, I might get a crazy Ah-ha! moment, whether it’s in my head/heart or in the journal.
I have dreams of offering some more guided art journaling opportunities in this space. I don’t know exactly what that looks like, and I should probably start small. There will always be other projects and topics, so even if art journaling isn’t your thing (although it might be and you just don’t know it yet), there will still be reason to come back here to visit.
I’ve got one last colorful treat for you, a great way to slide into the weekend. This is such a celebration I’ve been holding off on using it until now. It seems like the perfect way to end this series of color meanings. [Note: While this video is visually stunning, tin my opinion, here are folks who feel it appropriates Indian culture. I think that’s a fair argument. It’s just so gorgeous, and I love travel, so I find it more of an appreciation of Indian culture. It is a little noticeable that Beyoncé is portrayed in specific garb; it would have been super cool to meet a fresh new voice of someone of Indian descent. However, it is Beyoncé, and who can argue with her?]
Here’s hoping you have lots of color in your day!