Today’s post is my typical attempt to participate in Five Minute Friday, a link up through Lisa-jo Baker. It is open to anyone,.She is a beautiful writer, and she’s creating a group of friends through the connections made on her site. Check it out at or search the hashtag #FiveMinuteFridays on Twitter.
There were two arborvitae, one on either side of the wide front steps that led to the front porch.
They barely touched the ceiling of the porch when we moved in.
When we moved away they were framed in the view from the upstairs windows.
The only thing that had grown more were my children.
Some days the minutes go by so slowly you check the clock, convinced it’s been at least a half hour only to discover it’s been two. Two long minutes playing blocks with someone who only wants to knock over your building,
Someone who only wants to undo the work you’ve done, eat one more snack, mess one more diaper.
And when you don’t notice it, when you’re not looking, the trees grow tall and strong. Your children develop friends, hobbies and interests, and calendars are needed to keep track of assignments and schedules.
Is it possible to note the growth of the trees without getting lost in the incremental close up?
It is good to take a wide shot every once in a while and note the way the child’s pants are too short or how far up their heads come when you hug them.
Then get back to cleaning up messes and driving kids here and there. While you’re at it, make more sandwiches, ’cause Lord knows they’re going to eat ’em.
Are you in a slow-growth period or is time zooming by for you? How do you make sure you’re paying attention in the every day so that years don’t go speeding by unrecognized?
(If you have a second and would consider liking my Facebook page, that would be above and beyond lovely. or just click the Facebook doohickey on the sidebar. )
Yes, it is good to step back and take a wide shot now and then as you put it…there is a lot of growth going on…now that we are past the newborn, toddler stage, when time seems particularly slow on certain days, it does seem like it is faster…Happy Friday early 🙂
It is crazy the way time really does seem to be fluid. One moment you’re swept up in something and time goes too quickly, then you’re doing something tedious and it drags onnnnnnn. Thanks for coming by today even though I was early. 🙂
Beautiful post! Yes, time goes slowly on the days when you really struggle with your kids, but then you blink and they’ve grown. So enjoyed this post. 🙂 (stopping by from FMF)
My kids are grown and gone, and right now life is … crawling and uncertain. But I know it won’t stay this way for long. If there’s one thing that’s certain, it’s that nothing is certain. Thank God He is there ahead of me. Thanks for another great read!
Someone shared this quote with me when my girl was teeny tiny…”The days are long but the years are short.” Absolutely true. I’m so thankful for the sweet, wonderful person she’s becoming, but some days I wish I could turn back the clock. It just goes too fast. Beautiful post today!