Lisa-jo Baker organizes the Five Minute Friday activity. She gives a word prompt. You start your timer and write for five minutes. Then you post what you wrote and link it to her site. Boom. Done. It’s a great way to free yourself from constant internal editor mode and perfectionism, and it’s a great way to find new blogs and friends. This post is a part of that link up, which is open to anyone. Just check her site ( and you’ll find Five Minute Friday details.
I promise that if you watch and read this post you will only invest about five minutes of your day. See? I’m sticking with the five minute theme! But in order for this post to make much sense, you’ll probably have to two minutes to watch this video I made today:
This post is such a great example of everyday life.
There’s a cartoon going in the background.
One of my harp strings buzzes each time I play it.
The dog wanders in and makes himself comfortable on the couch.
Not all the notes are exactly right.
And yet, the music still comes. The notes are still there, moving forward, conveying emotion and peace.
It doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, sometimes it is better for not being perfect. But that’s taken me a long time to learn, particularly in the world of music but also in other realms. Marriage, parenting, friendship, church life, interactions at school, womanhood – I do none of these things perfectly, and yet they are still fulfilling, life-giving parts of my day, fully performed movements, like a song being written as it is played.
Being released from the pressure of perfection brings joy and freedom.
So even though this song is not my own composition (I don’t write music!) and even though it is not perfect, I offer it to you this morning, hiccups and meandering dog visits included. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for your post Nita, and for including your YouTube video – a nice touch.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and to watch! I wasn’t sure if people would click through. 🙂
Isn’t it so sweet when we finally realize it does not have to be perfect ? The video was beautiful Thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks for watching it! It really is freeing when we realize the only one who expects perfection is us! I have to remind myself of that.
I love that you can play the harp. That is awesome. And I love how your dog joins you and sits down. Many blessings. I found you on Twitter from #fiveminutefridays.
And I love how you do something even though you think it isn’t perfect. (I thought it was).
That was so beautiful!!!!!! Do you break your own heart every time you play the harp?
Oh my word, you are too sweet. Thank you! I was so nervous to put it out there, so I really appreciate your kindness. I do love this song, and I get lost in it sometimes.
Meandering dog visits are one of life’s treasures. Great post. Perfection is boring. That’s why I avoid it with such a passion.
Laura Hedgecock
It’s funny that you say that because a lot of me avoids perfectionism, but there are a couple stubborn spots where it comes into play. Thanks for your encouraging words.
Wow…a writer AND a harpist…seems near perfect to me. What else haven’t you mentioned?!!
You are too kind, my friend. Thanks for coming by, and I look forward to when we can get together soon!
Wow! That was you playing? Fantastic! I didn’t hear any cartoons in the background or buzzing strings. And, to me, all the notes sounded exactly right. All I heard was beautiful music. I did catch the meandering dog though. So cute! Great post!