the unknown
distrust and uncertainty
constrict your heart.
You lie awake in the night,
shutter your windows, bar the door and creep thru the house in darkness.
Fear throws threats around your head, wraps chains that trip and limit.
We are not made for this binding.
We are not made to be bound.
We are made for freedom.
When the fear threatens to crush your heart and steal your joy,
Push back.
Drop your head,
Grit your teeth and barrel forward.
Charge ahead and refuse to be crushed by the weight of the “what-if’s” and doubts looming large.
Breath deep into your gut and let the air expand you — press out against the pressing in.
Close your eyes if you must.
Do it while your hands shake, but do it still.
Pretend you’re as confident as you wish you were, and soon you’ll forget you aren’t that confident. You’ll forget the racing thoughts, all that might happen, as you see the beauty of what does happen. Even when it doesn’t all go right, even when things are hard and the unknown remains unknown, or worse — your fears become reality. Even then, you are made for freedom.
Model it. Exemplify it. Pass it on to your children, your friends, your loves. Inspire it in others, this freedom of a person known and loved by the Author of knowledge and love.
You are known. You are loved. You can do this. Let’s say it to one another until we begin to believe it. We can do this.
Today was our first day of school, and this post came out of a lot of my nervousness about the start of school, which is complicated by health concerns for one of our kids. I have to really push back against operating out of fear. I hope we can help each other reject that fear and embrace the freedom we are meant for.
All of that to ask: how was your kids’ first day of school?
What a great reminder, Tanya! I don’t have kids going off to school, but I still need to remember this: “You are known. You are loved. You can do this. Let’s say it to one another until we begin to believe it. We can do this.” We need to remind each other of this every single day, because it is true! Blessings to you! Have a great weekend!