I’ve been thinking about the different aspects of being brave, and I wanted to consider how there are many ways of being brave. We’re quick to forget some of the things that scared us so bad once we’ve overcome those things. It’s easy to forget how hard it was to do something once we’ve conquered it — think of your first time jumping off a diving board, for example. On an emotional level, there are certain events that were turning points in our developments, and with the benefit of hindsight (since we now know how the event turned out) we often diminish how much bravery it took to have that conversation, write that letter, decline that invitation.
It’s in that spirit that I offer these art journal pages on the topic of “brave” and through the Get Messy website I’ve pulled some of them together in a “zine” which is a small booklet usually on one specific subject. If you want to see a bunch of different interpretations of this, you can check them out here. I’ve included a couple other thematically appropriate paint expressions as well. I hope you enjoy, and I’d love to hear your stories of “brave” in the comments. Thanks for reading!
Putting these things out there is an act of bravery for me, especially since I don’t LOVE them all. But I think showing them to you is important; it takes the power out of perfectionism, especially when it comes to arty things.
In what ways have you been brave this week? I’d love to hear about it!
This is an amazing journal! I was smitten immediately by the cover, as seen on Get Messy, and came over to inspect and WOAH! I am stunned and in awe – so wonderful!!! 🙂
Thank you so much for your sweet words! I’m so glad to connect with you through Get Messy, and I’ll be sure to look for your pages!