This post is a result of a writing prompt coordinated by Lisa Jo Baker ( . Here’s what she says about it:
- On Fridays around these parts we like to write. Not for comments or traffic or anyone else’s agenda. But for pure love of the written word. For joy at the sound of syllables, sentences and paragraphs all strung together by the voice of the speaker.
- We love to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. For five minutes flat.
Today’s Writing Prompt: After
I tried my first Five Minute Friday post and when I got done with my first five minutes, I balked. Full on chicken moment. It was too personal. It was about childbirth. It was about my daughter. It was about the pain of growing up and common hurts we all face as we grow into adults.
And I couldn’t do it.
I couldn’t share it.
I already hide behind a pen name (do you think my parents named me Nita Holiday for real?). It’s mostly in an attempt to separate my writing life and other life. It’s mostly for myself, as an indicator of what hat I’m wearing when I sit down to write.
But it’s also to protect others. My husband. My children. My extended family.
If you don’t know who I am, you can’t judge me. If I keep you at arm’s length, you can’t dismiss me as being too old, too young, too female, too northern. If you deal only with the image I extend to you, then my anonymity keeps me safe.
It also keeps me from dealing with the people around me, making me brave on paper and a people-pleaser in person.
I didn’t post my fist FMF post either. It was ugly. But there is grace and freedom in sharing. Good job
I totally agree that there is grace and freedom in sharing. And I’m sure your first FMF post was not ugly. Thank you for your kind words. I’ll have to swing by your blog and check out the FMF you DID post.
I love your post. You wrote and you posted. You just didn’t post what you originally post. You have every right to keep your private life private.
Writing is all about self-expression, but publishing/posting has the potential for rejection. Judging from what you did post, however, I doubt you have much rejection ahead of you.
Laura Hedgecock
Thank you so much for your encouragement, and for taking time to stop by my tiny little post. Maybe I’ll think more about how open I’m willing to be before I decide to start writing next week.
Nah, write anyway. It’s therapeutic even if you don’t share. Btw, thanks for ignoring my glaring typo.