Since it’s a strange weathered-February, it seems right to finally do an update here. I haven’t been trying to maintain radio silence; I’ve been moving into an expanded role in a job that’s been developing on the side for a bit. It’s exciting and I’m now part owner of a small business, which shows you how little screening they do of these sorts of things.
That’s only part of it, and I could use your input with another part.
As you know, I’ve got a bee in my bonnet for creative experiences. Painting has been at the forefront for longer than I anticipated. My dad getting sick and then losing him made it virtually impossible to tap into the writing that I had identified with for so long. I’ve (mostly) accepted that.
[Shhh…I’ll tell you something extra true: there are moments when I wonder about lost-time or opportunities I might have missed. That’s my first impulse. Once I notice that impulse, I remind myself that’s coming from a place of scarcity and a place of worry that there are a finite number of opportunities available, a.k.a. if I don’t get one of these opportunities they’ll run out before my turn comes round again. I don’t have to accept that mentality, and I don’t. There’s more than enough to go around, for me and for you too.]
I’ve allowed myself to explore and develop other ways of expressing the roiling thoughts and feelings that have come in these years of wrestling. Paints, scribbling, ripping paper, smearing color – these have become a language without words.
This is good; it’s good to have tools with which you approach the world. It gave me new ways to work through difficult situations and was useful then when, about six months after losing my dad, my daughter (I call her Princess Teacup here) was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes.
The diagnoses is permanent and it has impacted, well, everything. It’s not that you don’t get used to it – you do. It’s that by necessity, it changes so much of the rhythm of your life.
Okay back to you, Dear Reader. You can see that I’m a little all over the place. I could really use your input.
- Painting, writing, creativity.
- Type 1 Diabetes
- Family, friends, silliness, and motherhood.
- Encouragement, faith, spirituality, crabby wrestling with the Church.
These are all things that flow through my life. Does it make you crazy to hear about ALL of them? Do you wish this space was more focused? Do you wish you knew you could come here and get a daily pep talk? Do you get tired of hearing about grief and loss? Would you like to read snippets of stories I’m working on, now that I’m writing again?
This is when I turn to you, Dear Reader, and I’d really value what you have to say. Speak freely now, friends. I want to hear it. Your input can help shape the direction I go. I plan revamp things in order to better make this space reflect some of the shifts that have happened, and hearing from you would really help me.
Even though it’s been a while, I want you to know I appreciate you and the opportunity (there’s that word again) to share here with you.
Now get outside and enjoy this bizarre February heat wave. We’re all suspicious of it and are pretty sure it can’t last. Remember, the high school winter sports finals haven’t happened yet, and that’s when we here in Minnesota almost always get hit with a blizzard (click here for proof!). Don’t put away those snow shovels yet.
Since I’m already being “that person” and asking for things, I’m just gonna go for all the bananas and put this here: Donate and support us at the JDRF One Walk Fundraiser.
The stories of grief were honest and raw. I think we all need this at times.It is still a part of life and a part that we will all experience or have experienced. Grappling with this topic hits us all at some point. But I also enjoy the whimsical stories, stories of life, motherhood, getting lost in the woods and calling a friend to help you find your way out, Runaway chickens! I say follow your heart. Everyday has a new theme so enjoy your writing and I will enjoy reading.
ps. I changed my email!
Somewhere I read that there are two kinds of blogs – topic-driven and personality-driven, or something like that. I’ve always seen yours as personality-driven, and I think you do that well, sharing sincerely who you are and what is compelling or inspiring you at each particular moment you choose to write – or “art” – about. It’s such an interesting irony that when you are most specific in writing about your personal experience, readers can best relate and find themselves in at least some element you share. So I vote for more in the same vein!
Somehow I missed this thoughtful comment — so sorry Julia! Thank you for your thoughts on this and for your opinion. <3