For all the parents who made umpteen phone calls arranging childcare,
For all the hours spent searching online for reputable organizations and references,
For the extra batteries in the alarm clock, the lunches made the night before, the papers signed, the backpacks packed,
We salute you.
For all the pinch hitting,
For all the brief personal phone calls at work saved up and made in a flurry during a break,
For the favors called in when a child gets sick,
We humbly bow.
For every meeting missed,
For every boundary established,
For every “quick bite to eat with the team after work” sacrificed,
We hear your call.
For the way you prioritize projects at work,
For the art of delegation,
For every lunch taken at your desk,
For your ability to switch gears from employed person to parent of a young child,
We give you props.
We doff our caps to you, sir or ma’am, for you have earned this small gesture of respect.
You work hard at work and at home, and this is no simple task. It involves organization and planning, and
You go get ’em, ’cause you got this…
Like a boss.
Amen! Cute, elegant and apropos!