This is insanity. Why would I sign up to do National Novel Writing Month? If I go along with the website’s recommendation, I will have to write like 1600 words a day to make the goal of 50,000 words in 30 days. How can I do this and pay attention to anyone in my family? How will the animals get fed? Must I forgo showers?
There are three main reasons I’m committing to this madness.
- External motivators are effective — It is way too easy to let other things get in the way when it comes to writing. Having a specific, measurable goal makes me get my butt in gear.
- Friends are fun — I’ve been trying to get connected to other writers in my area and this seems like a good way to go that.
- There’s a novel running around in my head — I’ve had this story idea for over a year and since I haven’t been able to shake it out one ear, I figure this is a good time to see where it leads.
Have you ever thought about writing a book? If you have, what would it take for you to actually do it? The way I look at it, even if I don’t finish (but I will finish, doggone it! I’m going to make NaNoWriMo say uncle!) I will have a great deal more to work with than I do now, with characters and ideas contained in my brain and causing me to get a glazed, far-away look in my eyes when a new thought joins them. Maybe you should check out NaNoWriWMo’s website and decide if you’re a closet novelist! P.S. I do plan to check in here during November, but please forgive me if I use this as a procrastination tool rather than a place for deep content during this time.
Good luck with NaNoWriMo!
Thank you! So far it is going well, but I worry about that time when things cool off inspiration-wise. Are you being NaNoWriMo?
I really wanted to participate but I finished my novel before the month began and am editing it at the moment. There’s always next year (:
I commend your courage. I would do NanoWriMo, but I am busy even without a novel to write in a month! I wish you luck! 🙂
Thanks for your well-wishes. I am trying to figure out how to budget my time, knowing that November happens to be an extra busy month for me and my family. I think everybody is busy, but it is a matter of deciding what things we are busy with. How do we choose to use our time? Is NaNoWriMo a waste of my time? That depends on the priorities I have, I guess. Keep checking in — maybe I will abandon ship part way through. 🙂