This is a season for keeping my head down, for putting one foot in front of the other and getting done what needs doing.
It’s a time of prioritizing, and if you come over and the house looks a shambles, then know that I decided something else should get the attention.
If your phone hasn’t been showing my number calling you, it’s nothing personal; it’s that other people had to come first.
The ring grows tighter, and it now only accommodates a small number of people, but those people’s needs have ballooned, filling the ring until there’s very little space to move about.
You can’t see more than the crown of my head as I lumber along with my eyes to the path, not looking left or right, eyes to the ground so I don’t misstep or get distracted from my top priorities by the allure of rest or levity or abstract thought. This is a time for focus, days broken into bits, formulas and ratios, numbers numbers numbers.
It won’t always be like this.
This will stabilize. This will alleviate. The intensity will subside and when that happens I will lift my head up and take in the sights around me.
For now I must keep my head down, because that’s what must be done to keep my head.
It’s not Friday, I know, but this is a link-up with Five Minute Friday and Kate Motaung. You can find out all about it here along with reading some of the other posts. I’d welcome your comments, specifically about times when you’ve just had to keep your head down and do the thing that needed doing.
In the meantime, this is a good, on-topic song with a fun video you might enjoy — I did.
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