The thing that I noticed about each speaker who was a part of the Global Leadership Summit was that they were individuals.
There was no cookie cutter form, which meant each of them had their own unique style of speaking.
There was no cookie cutter, so they came from different areas of the professional world.
There was no formula or prescription they used to present their material, which made each one different from the next, each one expressing themselves in their own way. Some were methodical, others looked like they were shooting from the hip. Some used audience participation, others used a lecture style.
The point was, each of them had wisdom and insight but it looked different from that of the others.
Wisdom, insight, passion, drive – these things look different when worn by different people.
Living life fully engaged looks different for different people.
One highlight for me on the first day was hearing Bob Goff speak.
I’ve seen his book, Love Does, around my peripheral vision but have yet to read it.
After seeing him speak, you’d better believe I’m going out to get it. This lawyer is a passionate nutball but don’t let his exhuberant speaking style fool you – he means business and works in intense situations dealing with oppression and child abuse. You can find out more about him at his website (
During his portion of session on the first day of the conference, Bob Goff referenced Ephesians 4:1 and said, “The verse says live a life worth of the calling YOU have received. Not what she received, not what that guy received, what YOU’VE received.”
He also snapped a picture of the auditorium with an old-school Poloroid camera and said,
“If you want to figure out what you’re made to do, let it develop over time.”
He encouraged leaders to…
“See people for who they’re becoming.”
These were the kind of things that each of the speakers shared – wisdom that applies to all areas of life, not just leadership in business or church, but leadership in life. That is an overarching value of the conference: Lead Where You Are. It is a good reminder for all of us, regardless of life-station or employment position. Lead where you are.
In what ways could you take on more leadership without taking on a different job or role? What would change if you started seeing people for who they’re becoming?
I’m wondering if anyone at these conferences ever says ‘partner’ or ‘come beside’? It seems we individualistic Americans are always trying to do things our own way. When I see a Hollywood star start a foundation in an African country, I wonder why they didn’t give support to the agencies already there that have strived to make a difference for decades. Recently, my sister-in-law asked me what great thing I can do for the kingdom. I thought, “I can do no great thing and do not aspire to do so.” But I can come beside another ministry and do the little things that make a big difference. I’m all for being a unique individual and using the gifts given to me and certainly we should affirm each others gifts, but does that mean we do things only our own way? We can’t all be leaders. I am not a leader. We are all to be FOLLOWERS of Jesus. Am I way off Tanya or is this a generational thing? Love your posts and will certainly be learning more of Bob Goff.
Sounds interesting! Curious for more details … Where is it, etc
Whoops! I’ll be sure to include that in the next post. I hope to put one up tomorrow. Thanks!
I only went to day two and sadly missed Bob Goff, whom I adore after reading “Love Does.” Seeing people for who they are becoming means, for the most part, extending them the grace you hope is extended to you.
I’m really excited to get my hands on his book. I love the idea of extending the grace you hope is extended to you. Thanks for your comment.