English: An old Methodist church, a week after its last worship service, in Ceylon, Minnesota. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I haven’t been to a show in a few years. But when I’ve gone I’ve been surprised at the similiarities between a good concert and some of the music portions of church services (Evangelical, Protestant bigger size church services to be more specific).
Smoke machine – check.
Light show – check.
High decibel level – check.
Well-trained, talented musicians – check.
Depending on the church you go to, people may or may not have their hands in the air, but at the shows I’ve been to, you can believe they do and there will be boisterous singing along, responding to the music and the promptings of the band.
There are times when emotions run high at concerts, so much so that tears stream down people’s faces, for a myriad of reasons. That’s been known to happen in a few services as well, although it is more seldom at my church.
We are in Minnesota, after all, and some emotions are better left unexpressed. Well, most emotions.
That’s a stereotype, but there are times when I get frustrated at church because it seems like we don’t feel free to engage the music or the worship leaders or the One we’re there to worship in the first place. But you put a bunch of Minnesotans at First Ave (a famous concert venue up here) and they’ll rip up the place with their enthusiasm.
Where’s that passion on Sunday morning?
Not everyone worships the same way. I get that. Music isn’t everyone’s “thing” and that’s okay. But when people remain stoic and unresponsive for the entire.worship.service. then they ought to be sitting in a board meeting for all the passion they’re showing.
Because worship isn’t only tied to music.
It is in fellowship.
It is in the message.
It is in serving.
And if people remain unmoved and unresponsive to all these facets of worship, they miss out on an opportunity to interact with a God who is active, moving, responsive and engaged.
What ways of worship come most naturally to you? Are you part of a church and if so, what kind of worshipping body is it? Finally, been to any good concerts lately?
This is part of a linkup with LIsa-jo Baker and her Five Minute Friday. We get the word prompt, set the timer, and write for five minute. No editing. No perfectionism. Just write for the sheer joy and fun or writing. Anyone is invited so join in any time. Here’s her site: http://lisajobaker.com
“…a God who is active, moving, responsive and engaged.” Thank you for that. Aren’t we blessed? Aren’t we so very fortunate to know and be known by our God? He is good!
Following you from FMF. Thanks for posting. Worship means so many things to so many people. I too believe people should be free to worship as the want and feel. No need to hold in your happiness. Stoic worship? Seems like an oxymoron. Have a blessed day!