This is a short excerpt from the story I’m still working on, but don’t worry, Dear Reader, there is an end in sight. We’ve rounded the corner and can now see the final lap. Ready the mylar space blanket and energy bar! Maybe I’ll be able to tell you I’ve completed it within the next few months. That would feel wonderful!
The portion I’m including begins in-progress so if there are details that aren’t quite clear, try to let it go and press on. It’s just a fun adventure scene that I thought you’d like for a minor distraction during this Christmas break season. I’d love to hear your reactions. Thanks for letting me share. Chapter 17 Excerpt
I was with you throughout the whole, wild ride!! Liked the chase scene the best! Going up the slippery hill, sounds somewhat significant from our experience with that old Honda in Chanhassen!
I bet you could picture a lot of it, having lived through similar adventures yourself! Thanks for reading and for taking time to write. 🙂
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This is from my former blog, but I thought I would share it here. The story the post mentions is now complete, edited and ready for…what? I don’t know what will happen with it, but it feels great to have it done.
If you have time to read the story (attached as a PDF file) I’d love to hear your feedback. And feel free to comment with any links you have to your own Works In Progress. Let’s support each other. Happy writing!