I should be working on my NaNo novel rather than typing this blog post, or I should be at home with my family helping with bedtime snack, but instead I am sitting in a coffee shop trying not to listen to the conversations going on around me. And I’m wearing headphones! It’s the body language I’m interested in, the subtle nonverbals I’m most interested in. People lean forward, crane their necks, lean away, avoid eye contact, sneak glances at girls nearby. It is so entertaining…and distracting!
There was a meeting I was supposed to go to tonight, but I ran late and decided not to go when I was in the car already fifteen minutes late and still fifteen minutes from my destination. When I was rushing out the door, my husband asked why I wanted to go to the meeting so badly. And I had to admit it was because I knew that when I went there tonight and got to tell this group I had gotten two things in print since the last meeting, I knew they’d be excited for me. They’d say I did a good thing (apparently I’m some kind of golden retriever?). I don’t even know these people, except that we are joined by a common desire to write. They get it. They understand the terror that is the submission process. They’ve been rejected. Honestly, it’s what I imagine a support group is like. Maybe I’m a writing addict, but when I’m there it’s like a writing opium den.
Don’t we all need a support group? Don’t we sometimes wish there were people who “got it” and could empathize with us?
Maybe that’s what the online community becomes for people, a place to connect with people who understand a deep love of cats or classic cars, a profound fear of crowds or being hit by lightning.
Maybe that’s what this blog could be for people, a place to connect and be encouraged. I have been so encouraged by your comments and interest. Thank you for visiting here.
Whatever the subject matter, I hope that you have a group of people who cheer your accomplishments and mourn your losses.
Happy writing…or collecting Precious Moments figurines, or whatever your “thing” is. 🙂
I hear you about needing that support. I thought tonight was my writing group to arrive and find out it’s next Monday. I wanted cheering tonight! So here is a cheer for you! Keep writing and keep on NaNo-ing!
Happy Pages,
Aw, sorry to hear about the mix up. That can be so disappointing! On behalf of your group, I say keep setting aside the time to write, put down honest words and weave new worlds. You can do it! (And thanks for your encouragement too.)