First page of the Gospel of Mark, by Sargis Pitsak, a Medieval Armenian scribe and miniaturist (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
At the bottom of this post I’m attaching a video from a pastor I deeply respect. I sent his blog a question and he answered it in this video. I feel like I won a radio call-in contest or something.
This whole blog post is off topic since it doesn’t have to do with writing per se, but I think each of us has worldviews that seep into our writing, whether we intend it or not. That’s how I’m justifying it at least.
Lately I’ve been grappling with the entrenched concept in evangelical Christianity that unless people speak with their mouths a “sinner’s prayer” that confesses sin, admits that Jesus is the Savior and asks for redemption from Him, then they are pretty much screwed (pardon me). However, some of Jesus’ statements seem to be at odds with one another, plus, Jesus’ stated purpose in coming to earth was to offer life. Does that mean that once Christ was resurrected anyone who lived more than a camel-ride away from Jesus’ neck of the woods was suddenly out of luck?
We could get into the finer points of this but I’m no theologian. What I do know is that there is a lot of church history and tradition that clouds the written words of the Bible. And I think there ought to be room to discuss this without calling into question the vibrance of someone’s faith.
Here’s the video for you to check out. I’d LOVE to hear your reactions and thoughts on this non-writing topic, and please know that I welcome all civil conversation but don’t have much patience for name calling or mean-ness. There, we got that out of the way. Whew. Have a great Friday!