My husband likes to hunt.
I don’t share this interest, but I am glad to benefit from his efforts. I didn’t grow up eating hunted things, but during our marriage I have developed an appreciation for wild game of different kinds.
Being a hunter, he goes out of town on hunting trips.
In the past I’ve been fine with these trips. He gets a lot from being outside and really enjoys everything about hunting. It’s the equivalent of a spa day for some people. I’ve gone with him once or twice, and there is something that feeds the soul when you walk through areas with no path and take in the beauty of creation.
That is, it’s very nourishing until your socks are wet, you can’t get warm and you’re considering peeing your pants rather than hang your cold, naked buns over that fallen log to do your business.
While I’ve been an Accommodating and Supportive Wife in the past, I’d say that this year I might teeter on the edge of Enthusiastic Wife. He’s got a trip coming up and I have to be honest and say I’m happy about the timing. With him gone, I can spend the evening typing away with abandon, with no guilt or compunction about neglecting him, since he’ll be out in the woods somewhere in South Dakota.
Because I am a SAHM, there is a certain amount of guilt that goes with being busy in the evenings. There is an expectation I have for myself that if there is anything personal or just for me that needs to get done, I should be able to fit it in during the day. Two of my kids are at school all day, and the preschooler is gone a couple hours most days. Surely this must be ample time to address any personal enrichment activities, right?
Not really.
If you’ve ever stayed home with kids, you already realize that they are a whirlwind of papers, toys and peanut butter. When my kids get on the bus, it takes me an hour just to put to rights the path of destruction they created by being in the house.
It doesn’t get any better when they get home in the afternoon.
In order to make any headway on daily chores or projects (and not be forced to employ someone else to do it), I spend hours, hours, in movement everyday to keep the great tide of chaos at bay. I fold, sweep, load, unload, wipe, scrub, recycle, sort and organize. And still my house is not as tidy as I would have it in an ideal world.
On the other hand, I like to think our house is fun.
During this weekend of temporary single parenting I’ve lined up plenty of kid-friendly activities for my three monkeys, sure-fire meals and snacks, and an aaaaaample amount of screen time. I may be behind in my word count for NaNoWriMo but as Meg Ryan said in the movie French Kiss, “I shall triumph!” (I just dated myself, didn’t I? I can’t help it, she was a bit of a style guru for me for a while, and I have photos of the haircut misadventures to prove it.)
My husband will have fun hunting, my kids will have their fun, and I will have fun writing like a crazy person.
Let’s all charge victoriously into the weekend and our writing (or hunting). 🙂